Christine Rachelle Brothers
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Monday, May 7, 2012
Growing Up
If you look closely, you will spot me.
My mom got me my favorite kind of flower, Gerber daisy!
Bryce and Casey brought me Oreos and chopsticks :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
It's GREAT to be EIGHT
My sweet little oldest niece, Kylie turned eight on April 9th and was baptized on this past Saturday. She was adorable. She basically planned the whole meeting by deciding who she wanted to speak and say the prayers and sing. She actually asked me and her mom, (my sister) to sing. Oh boy. How badly did I want to decline? Very much so, but it was her request and I just couldn't say no to her. Don't get me wrong. I love to sing. Just not in front of people where they can specifically hear my voice. But we practiced hard and it turned out good. The whole meeting was beautiful and I found myself getting a little emotional and she isn't even my daughter! Crazy. It was so fun to see how happy she was. Here are some pictures of my beautiful niece. Try not to get too jealous that she isn't your niece. I know it will be hard ;) She got her pictures taken by Brenda (the same lady who toke mine) These are just a few that I could get off of Facebook.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Welcome, Summer
FINALS ARE OVER!!! I am done with school for what? like three and half months. I am so excited! I have been in school since senior year of high school! It feels so good to be done! I don't know what to do with myself! Time to get a job.....yay...I keep forgetting that I'm done. Hasn't quite hit me yet. I can't even tell you how many times I just start jumping up and down and scream that I"M DONE!! and it's summer time!! Plus, the rainy-ness of this week? I am just LOVING it. Such a great way to end the semester. Definitely putting me in a good mood!
Anyway, since I am done with the semester, I am now officially back onto the book of face aka Facebook.....Yeah. It's really nice to finally reconnect with a lot of people. But I'm still kind of hesitant about being back. Not sure it is a good idea. I will just have to limit myself, but as I pointed out in an earlier post, its much harder to do when you have access then when you don't. We will see how it goes.
So, while I have been studying like CRAZY this week, I found this 6 hour mix of classical music on Youtube that has been great for helping me concentrate! But while I was listening to that, I was reminded of this song that I ADORE, and I looked it up and listened to it over and over again! It's just sooo amazingly beautiful. It just hits home.
I really like watching it be played on the piano. I just wish I could watch someone play it in real life or play it myself :) Here it is. Clair de Lune by Debussy
I really like watching it be played on the piano. I just wish I could watch someone play it in real life or play it myself :) Here it is. Clair de Lune by Debussy
Enjoy :) - Christine Rachelle Brothers
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Roommate for a Week/Blast from the Past
So I've been thinking a lot about fun, good memories with my friends and started looking through some old pictures. I think I'm just gonna take you down memory lane with some of my favorite pictures from some of my favorite times, with some of my favorite people. :)

Apparently we love to laugh at rooftop concerts in the summer dedicated to The Beetles. What's not to enjoy?

This little gal is Mandy-loo. I love her with all my heart. Miss you :)

Chris and Ames (Amy) So glad Dance Company brought us together

Me and Alex are really like Centennial Day, dance dress rehearsal. Can't you tell? Seniors. Love them to death. Alexandra (Alex/Al), Savannah (Sav) Brooke (Cookie) Me (Chris/Chrissy-tine) Amy (Ames/Amus)

We're goofballs, what can I say? One of my favorite pictures of us.

During the Chris and Ames picture of the day phase Senior year

Syl and I love Ronald McFondler as Sylvia calls him

Supporting our favorite Junior Miss contestant Aubs......"Where are we?"

My bestest friend, my wonderful sister, Angie

Summer term at BYU. Brooke, Brock, and me chillin in the dorm
My wonderful psych group. Love them and miss them so much!

Ames finally came home from Japan. Hadn't seen her in ages!

On our way to Lagoon, Frightmares baby!! It's tradition! Sylvia and me in the front, Tara and Karenna in the back

Syl, Vanessa, and I on our way to The Sounds concert. So much fun.

Brooke and I love us some BYU football

Salt Lake with the girls

Senior graduation night party with Syl and Nessa

Some of my favorite D.Co girls at our very own Mallory's wedding. Love these girls to death.
Hope you enjoyed memory lane as much as I did. Wish I could have just put up every picture that I love, but I restrained myself.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Spring Has Sprung
Well, this week has been a roller coaster. I've had some ups and I've had some downs. But as you can tell, I am still alive ;) Even though I've had a couple rough days where things kept going wrong, I am going to focus on the ups, because after all, they should outweigh those downs. Hmmm, to start off with, Wednesday was a BEAUTIFUL day! It's warm days like Wednesday that make me love having an outdoor campus. Seeing the flowers and enjoying the sun between classes is GLORIOUS. It was also my dad's birthday on Wednesday! Happy 59th daddy. Holy cow! April is the birthday month in my family. It's my dads, my mom's, my niece's, and mine. I went to dinner with my grandparents on Monday to Maglebys and because it is our birthday month, they bought us Magleby's chocolate cake. soooooooooooo sooo good! If you haven't had it.....have it! Pretty sure it's award wining stuff! Thursday was mostly a rough day, but I did help my sister out with my niece's rainbow birthday party. Hey, if you ever need a pro face painter, check me out. I painted some wicked rainbows and hearts on all kinds of cute girls' cheeks. ;) Okay, so I'm not pro, but they still loved their rainbows and hearts. On Friday, I was able to take part in some ceramics. Lemme tell ya, I found my new calling in life.....okay, so maybe not. I didn't end up with anything, because I pretty much destroyed anything I tried to form into a pot. Hey, it's harder than you think! But I had a BLAST doing it! It really was such a fun night. Sunday/Today is of course Easter and we just had most of my family come over. I just love my family so much. It doesn't matter how hard your week has been, family can make everything okay. We did an outdoor Easter egg hunt after dinner and all the eggs were color coordinated for each person. My brother did the honor of hiding the eggs, and well, he took mighty pleasure in making sure my eggs were near impossible to find. It took my FOREVER to find all of my eggs, but it was a fun challenge. So, long week. Next two weeks will be long too, but then it's SUMMER!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Holi Krishna!
Every year, there is the Holi Krishna festival of colors in Spanish Fork, Utah. I went once two years ago, but by the time we got there, all the colors were sold out and it was basically a bust. I was determined to go when I could take part in the throwing of colors! Last year, I couldn't go because of Dance America, (a dance competition our Dance Company hosted as our fundraiser) so this year was the year it WAS going to happen! I got my gorgeous friend Brook Alius to come with me. We wanted to go to the early throwing at 11 so we left at around 9:30, and with getting Brooke, finding a parking spot, walking to the Krishna temple, and buying our colors, we pretty much got there with about 20 minutes before the throwing, so it was perfect. We were right in the middle of the mob by the stage when the throwing took place. WOW! I was not expecting what happened! Everyone threw their colors in the air after a countdown from TEN. You could not see a THING. You could not breathe! It was nuts! You were just surrounded by a cloud of dust. It was a blast! Then, it happened.....A boy walked by and threw a bid chunk of green chalk RIGHT IN MY EYE. Thanks kid. My eye was killing and Brooke was trying to lead me out of the mob so we could fix things. But it just so happens that everyone decides the best thing to do was to make it impossible to get out by blocking me with crowd surfers. Awesome. So I lost Brooke, and I can't see a thing. I just feel like a stranded little kid. She finds me and leads me out. I work on rubbing the chalk out, and its just a mess of green chalk and black mascara. HOT. Now, my contact falls out and is totally green. Without my contacts or glasses, I am totally blind. Brooke leads me around to find some water to see if we can rinse my contact out. The water cooler was empty and it was chaos. Eventually we find the dude selling water, and I tried rinsing my contact, but it was a goner. So....basically that was a downer, but I just went with it. We had already taken place in the throwing, and we wanted to watch one. So, we killed two hours and watched the one o clock throwing from the temple. It was SOOO beautiful, and colorful. So worth it! One thing I loved was how you could tell who had been there for a while and who just got there. The ones who had just got there were covered by BRIGHT colors. The colors on the people who had been there a while were all faded and mixed together to get a dirty, brownish gray color, which sadly is how we were when we took out pictures. I promise we were bright at some point. :) I have washed and washed my hair, and I still have some orange, pink, and green in there. Now, he comes the sweet part. I have terrible eye-sight, and I drove us out of there, through crazy traffic with people walking in the street, and on the freeway, with a missing contact! May I just say that I am proud of myself there! I was scared, but we did it!! WAHOO!!! Anyway, so all in all, I had fun! I just had to realize that what happened,happened. And I just needed to go out there and have fun anyway!! I just learned for next time to be way more prepared!! And I will be! 2013 Festival of Colors, Be ready for me and my neon pink fanny-pack that will be full of things for "just in case" opportunities!
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